
Homemade apple cider vinegar (ACV) is not only a fantastic addition to your homesteading repertoire but also a powerhouse of health benefits. Made with minimal ingredients, it’s a great way to reduce food waste, promote a sustainable lifestyle, and enjoy the countless uses of this magical elixir. In this blog post, we’ll explore a simple, DIY apple cider vinegar recipe using your own apple scraps, cores, and peels. Plus, we’ll touch on the many health benefits and practical uses of this versatile vinegar.

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It is Incredibly Easy to Make Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

I don’t know if it’s all children or just mine, but if my kid asks for an apple…they take the apple, take a few bites and then I find it laying somewhere 5 hours later with a few bites out of it. I could rinse it off and eat that apple, but honestly, I don’t always feel like eating a bunch of half eaten apples all the time. So what’s the next best thing? Apple Cider Vinegar! It’s something that we use as a staple in our kitchen, and I never really realized it could also solve my half eaten apple problem AND save us a bunch of money on our grocery list. Save those half eaten apples-your wallet will thank you!

The Fermentation Process

Before we dive into the recipe, let’s talk about the fascinating fermentation process that turns your apple scraps into a healthy, delicious, and versatile vinegar. When you leave apple pieces exposed to the elements, wild yeasts naturally present on the fruit will start fermenting the sugars. This initial alcoholic fermentation results in hard cider, which, if left untouched, can develop into a vinegar through acetic acid fermentation.

Ingredients and Equipment

To make your own delicious apple cider vinegar, you’ll need the following ingredients and equipment:


  1. Apple cores, peels, and any apple scraps you have on hand.
  2. Filtered water (avoid chlorinated tap water).
  3. A small amount of sugar (such as raw honey or maple syrup) to kickstart the fermentation process.
  4. Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (optional).


  1. Wide-mouth mason jar or glass jars.
  2. Rubber band or twine.
  3. Coffee filter or cheesecloth.
  4. Sterilized jar or bottle for the final product.
  5. A glass or ceramic weight (optional but helpful).
  6. Apple Corer Peeler Slicer (optional)

We really love the masontops fermentation kit for making apple cider vinegar. It makes everything so simple. They come with glass fermentation weights to hold the solids under the liquid to prevent mold, and pickle pipes that keep the flies out, but let the wild yeasts in!

Step-by-Step Instructions

apples being peeled for making apple cider vinegar recipe
pouring honey into a mason jar full of apple scraps for apple cider vinegar
mason jar full of apple scraps getting filled with water for apple cider vinegar recipe
  1. Gather your apple scraps, apple peels, apple cores, and apple chunks ensuring they are clean and free from any mold or rot. Use organic apples for the best results, as they are free from pesticides.
  2. Fill your wide-mouth mason jar with the apple scraps, leaving some space at the top.
  3. Dissolve a little honey in a cup of water and pour it over the apple scraps. You could use raw cane sugar if you’d like but we just don’t own any sugar so we use honey. If you’d like, add a splash of apple cider vinegar to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  4. Cover the jar with masontops or a coffee filter or cheesecloth and secure it with a rubber band or twine. This allows air to circulate while keeping out fruit flies and debris.
  5. Store the jar in a warm place at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. A dark place is ideal for the fermentation process.
  6. Stir your mixture daily, making sure that the apple scraps remain submerged under the liquid. You may want to use a weight to help keep them down.
  7. Over time, you’ll notice the liquid turning into hard cider and then gradually into vinegar. This process can take anywhere from 3-6 weeks to a. few months during the winter season.
  8. Once you’re satisfied with the taste and acidity, strain out the solids and transfer the liquid to a sterilized jar or bottle. This is your homemade apple cider vinegar!

Simplified Version of the Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe :

Some people really benefit from recipes that are really specific and step by step, and other people (like myself) kinda just like to wing it. I’m going to go into the “wing it” version of this recipe that really just shows the simplicity of the process. You don’t need to overthink it at all.

So after I go through my house and collect all the whole apples with half eaten bits out of them, or if I have just made a batch of dehydrated apples or apple crisp which required coring, peeling, and slicing. I take those cores and peels and half eaten apples (chunked up) and I put them in a large mason jar.

Then I pour some raw honey over top, I do not measure, I just pour it on, probably about a half a cup. Afterwards, I add a splash of finished apple cider to help inoculate the new batch, add a glass weight and screw on a pickle pipe.

Then I set it on the counter to ferment for the next couple of months, stirring regularly and tasting when I do. Finally, when the taste is to my liking, I strain it out and TADA! We’ve got vinegar!

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Homemade apple cider vinegar is packed with health benefits, including:

  1. Improved digestion.
  2. Lower blood sugar levels.
  3. Weight loss support.
  4. Countless uses in salad dressings, marinades, and cooking.
  5. Skin and hair care.
  6. Potential antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The Mother of Vinegar

Don’t be alarmed if you notice a jelly-like substance forming in your homemade vinegar. This is the “mother of vinegar,” a sign of successful fermentation. The mother can be used as a starter for your next batch of apple cider vinegar.

I Hope You Love this Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe!

Making your own apple cider vinegar is a simple way to reduce food waste and enjoy the many health benefits of this natural elixir. With just a few apple scraps and some patience, you can create your own delicious apple cider vinegar right at home. Remember to use organic apples, avoid chlorinated water, and be patient throughout the fermentation process. In no time, you’ll have your own homemade ACV, ready to be used in salad dressings, as a health tonic, or for countless other purposes. Enjoy the journey of crafting your own true apple cider vinegar recipe and exploring its many common uses!

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe

With just a few apple scraps and some patience, you can create your own delicious apple cider vinegar recipe right at home.
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homemade apple cider vinegar recipe fermenting in a mason jar
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:30 days
Total Time:30 days 10 minutes


  • Wide-mouth mason jar or glass jars.
  • Rubber band or twine.
  • Coffee filter or cheesecloth.
  • Sterilized jar or bottle for the final product.
  • A glass or ceramic weight optional
  • Apple Corer Peeler Slicer optional


  • Apple scraps -cores, peels, slices, chunks
  • Raw Honey or Sugar
  • Filtered water
  • Apple Cider Vinegar optional


  • Add your apple scraps to your 1 gallon jar. Fill about 3/4 full
  • Add your honey or sugar to the jar. About 1/2 cup or less.
  • Fill the jar the rest of the way with filtered water. Add a lid and shake to combine
  • Remove lid and place a glass weight on top of the apple scraps. Add cheesecloth with rubber band, or a masontops pickle pipe.
  • Let ferment for 6 weeks to a few months, stirring regularly, tasting for "doneness" periodically.
  • When the taste is to your liking, strain out the apple scraps and bottle into a fresh sterile jar.


Fermentation time will depend on the temperature of your environment. Warmer temperatures will make fermentation go quicker, while cooler temperatures slow fermentation.
Add a splash of apple cider vinegar into your jar to help inoculate and speed up the fermentation process. 
Using sugar will speed the fermentation process. Honey prolongs the process a bit but we much prefer it over sugar. 
Servings: 10 people
Author: Fallon

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apple corer peeler slicer tool
2 gallon jars for apple cider vinegar recipe
masontops fermentation lids for apple cider vinegar recipe

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